NJLERC Shipping/Handling Fee Policy - adopted February 2011
The New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (NJLERC) is a 501 (c) (3) all volunteer organization that will provide recycled eyeglasses to Lions and other mission groups who perform vision screening and/or eye examinations in developing countries. Recycled eyeglasses are supplied under the guidelines of the Lions Club International for running an approved Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (LERC) and the following shipping and handling fee policies adopted by the NJLERC Board. Beginning February 2011:
1) The NJLERC will charge a handling fee of $5.00 per 800 pair of eyeglasses (minimum charge $5.00) for all non-Lion requests for recycled eyeglasses. This fee is used to offset the cost of boxes, packaging material, tape and the like. All handling fees are waived for participating Lions Clubs that request recycled eyeglasses.
2) The NJLERC encourages mission groups to pick up eyeglasses for mission trips at the New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center to avoid being charged shipping costs; however, any shipped eyeglasses must be prepaid prior to shipping. NJLERC will only ship the recycled eyeglasses domestically (via UPS) and will require that all shipping (and any other fees) be prepaid prior to shipping at a flat rate prepaid charge of $24.00 per box (of 220 to 250 pairs of eyeglasses). Lions sponsored missions will only be charged shipping in the event an order cannot be picked-up at the NJLERC.
3) The NJLERC can provide new +1.00 to + 4.00 strength readers to mission groups on a first come, first serve basis at a cost of $9.00 per dozen readers plus any shipping costs. Again, Lions sponsored missions will only be charged for shipping costs if the Lions group cannot pick up the readers at NJLERC. A request to order new readers should be entered on the order form.
Lions Clubs and various mission groups and individuals planning to go into an undeveloped area of the world may request recycled eyeglasses under the following conditions:
· The mission must use refractive evaluation methods to determine prescription requirements and to fit recycled glasses.
· Recycled eyeglasses may not be sold or bartered in any manner.
· Recycled eyeglasses must be distributed in an unprejudiced manner to all individuals in the area being served.
· Mission groups are responsible for all transportation, shipping expenses, permits, and governmental requirements of the area being served.
· A written report must returned to the NJLERC within two weeks following the mission to report the number of persons evaluated and served with recycled glasses and the status of any provided glasses not distributed.
· Requests for recycled glasses must be made in writing using only the approved NJLERC order forms for specific requirements using our ¼ diopter inventory and must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of need. A full ¼ diopter system or equivalent is available to permanent missions only.
· Recycled eyeglasses are provided on an “as-available basis”, and from time to time some specific strengths may not be available. Requested strengths will be taken from the recycled eyeglasses that are in inventory and available.
· New reading eyeglasses are also normally available at a reasonable cost as noted above.
By downloading the request form you agree to the NJLERC shipping and handling policy described above:
Download Request Form by clicking here.
Shipping and Handling Worksheet and Online Payment
Handling fees are $5 per 800 pair of eyeglasses (no charge for Lions Club members)
Shipping fees are a flat rate of $24 per box shipped (if cannot pick up at the NJLERC)
Readers may be ordered at $9 per dozen readers.
Please calculate your handling and shipping fees total and you may mail a check for the full amount or pay the full amount by online payment (click "Donate" below and enter the amount to be paid). Checks may be mailed to: NJLERC, PO Box 7263, West Trenton, NJ 08628.
PLEASE NOTE that you will be taken to a secure PayPal website. Once on the PayPal page you may pay by credit card, instead of a PayPal account, by clicking on the "Don't have a Paypal account" option on the left side.
To see the gallery of examples of eyeglass frame styles (under development) - click photo below to open album.
Contact: Alan P. Brewer, PCC, President
Phone: (908) 788-5466
Cell: (908) 244-9996
Fax: (908) 788-5467
e-mail: NJLERC@aol.com
Contact: Mary Devon O'Brien, PCC, Executive Director & Secretary
Phone: 973-763-4135
Fax: 973-763-2661
e-mail: MaryDevon@msn.com
Other Lions Club Recycling Centers: http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/common/pdfs/iad408.pdf
Requesting Eyeglasses from NJLERC
Among other missions around the world, the center continually sponsors missions to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, organizing participation from optometrists and other medical professionals. The center has also coordinated equipment loans between other Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers and mission groups.
Mission teams wishing to request a supply of Lions Recycled Eyeglasses may submit completed "Eyeglass Request Order Form" via fax to Alan P. Brewer, President FAX: 908-788-5467 and to the NJLERC FAX: (908) 788-5467. Please read the shipping and handling policy below before downloading the form.
CLICK HERE to view and print the Eyeglass Request Order Form.
New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
The New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
Operating Center at Katzenbach School for the Deaf
320 Sullivan Way, West Trenton, NJ 08628
NJLERC@aol.com (908) 244-9996
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